Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Value of Photoshop

 As described in a previous post, Apple has improved the iPhone camera significantly. I took this pano of Edinburgh from the rooftop of the National Museum of Scotland using the pano option on my iPhone 14 Pro. The only problem is that there is no control over exposure. The original photo, above, is too dark in my opinion. So, I changed the exposure and saturation in Photoshop. In doing so, I followed in the footsteps of Ansel Adams who said that the negative was not the most significant part of the photo. He took liberties in making the print. I do that in Photoshop.

Friday, September 8, 2023

An Easy Fix for a Printing Mistake

 I recently noticed that I forgot to photoshop out a pole before I printed. And I forgot to put my ‘signature’ in the lower right hand corner.  I decided to go back to Photoshop and make the changes I ‘would’ have made but print them on little 1”X3” adhesive labels. It’s amazing how forgiving ‘photoshopping’ can be. I placed the labels on my photo and can’t see the changes.